Bird's Eye View

Monday, April 4, 2011

Home Again...

Returning from DC the other night, I am exhausted. Tried to sleep, but kept rehashing the events of the week -- am I crazy to think that politics, even amongst those who advocate for a cause, should be a process to solve issues rather than to assert a position? I am tired of fighting, but not for the cause; four years under my belt, I can't give up -- just maybe not today. To what extent; who knows? I will let my brain "chill" for a bit and then we'll see.

Right now I am trying to concentrate on the good memories: great friends already now 10 years running and fabulous Russian ladies who welcomed me into their homes. Sipping wine under the shadow of great artwork by my friend Natsha's son at the kitchen table while we exchanged food, exploits, lifestyle and world views, seems more like a storyline now that I'm back in my room at home. They liked my cooking, though, and want me to come back -- how cool is that?

But I kept returning to my original quest for cherry blossoms. Damn, they were to peak on Tuesday and I had to leave on Saturday. No choice; had to find them to satisfy the culmination of anyone's visit to DC in the Spring (or at least it's supposed to be Spring) -- the ultimate search for the "pink."

Too cold out to go far, as I walked unencumbered by coat and hat as if I were still in Florida, but sneaking out of the Senate building during a break in the meeting schedule finally brought success. 

There they are! Have to get a picture -- oh, no -- the camera's at home and I'm stuck with only my "old" cell phone. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do and I'll figure it out later. Yea! Got a couple -- not my best shots, but mission accomplished.

 Shame about the politics!

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