Bird's Eye View

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reflections in the Rain

What a storm today -- mother nature is stirring up the pot for her well-known FL heat and humidity this week, tornadoes (north and east of here), storms, lightning.  What a show!

Can't go out, maybe I'll start sorting out my clothes.  Not sure I'm going to need half the stuff in my closet -- keep telling myself just the basics and give the rest to Goodwill or wherever, but somehow I just can't part with this one or that.  Typical female or just not ready to go for it?  The funny thing is that over the years I've learned that when boxes or containers or furniture or whatever disappear somehow, I truly never notice a few weeks down the road, but for the moment, I admit to do it on purpose is a little hard.  40 moves later, you'd think I'd be used to it -- NOT SO MUCH!

Okay, so maybe I can start with the heavier stuff.  Don't think I'll need sweaters or anything wool or weighty.  Always kept them around as I do venture north to work and visit in DC, NYC and Jersey even in the winter.  But what about my cocktail dresses -- they're so pretty -- and of course I'll have to keep the shoes.

Hey it's a beginning!

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