Bird's Eye View

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Early Morning Reflection

Only about a week to go and I will be leaving FL for good.  It's about 5 a.m. and rather quiet.  No cars, no conversation, no tv -- just me and my thoughts.  Will I be sad to leave?  Yes and no.  This has been a sanctuary, a hideaway, a harbor from the turmoil of my previous working life -- it was needed, it was necessary and I'm glad I did it.  Certainly didn't turn out the way I thought it might -- creating a family compound of a sort with my brother(s), but I have had the opportunity to become friends with that part of my family again, something I was denied in my youth, and I am happy that I went there.  Lessons learned, of course, are still many, one of which is you can't turn back time or wish things were as they could have or should have been, and that it is okay.  Appreciating people, especially family, for the real persons they are with faults and shortcomings (and that goes for me too) does not mean we love them less, but that we can finally accept that even with them, we have to just let them be..   Excited to see what there will be to come, so onwards and upwards to be sure!

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