Bird's Eye View

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Getting Ready

Up to my eyeballs in packing containers and things to sell -- the least favorite part of moving!  Removing "self" from belongings isn't always the easiest process as we tend to attach such sentiment to our things, but the harder part still is letting go!  I know I will get other "things" which is always exciting and planning to set up a new place is something I love to do, but dang, I love that old teapot and just can't take it with.  Reducing your life into a few boxes is seemingly impossible, but I do recommend the process every few years even if you're not going anywhere; it can be cathartic.  Then something I wrote nearly 20 years ago also comes to mind which helps:  "Become part of all that is or has been; live well, love all and you'll be again. And know things are as they need to be; each road is naught but a moment's journey."

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