Bird's Eye View

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

And then turn left . . .

Didn't quite make it all the way up the coast, but did cover FL to Massachusetts -- good effort.  Brief visit with my extended family in Jersey who I dearly love and will miss ever so, then this morning I started heading west; tonight I rest outside Buffalo, NY; forgot how beautiful Mass and upstate New York are.  Would love to have stayed longer but have to get to MA to visit with my uncle.  Great trip so far -- so many friends I'll miss, but awesome that I had the chance to spend a little time with them along the way.  Wednesday night I sat in an outdoor cafe on 111th/Broadway in New York City with a very dear friend, and I realized this was the "missing piece."  This is what I have been and am still searching for and need to have back in my life again.  When I left Jersey/NYC, a piece of me went missing -- damn!  But I know that nothing is forever and that I have now been lucky enough to have the opportunity to meet new family and friends who I have added to my best ever list -- awesome!  Sometimes it just clicks and you know that these people will be in your heart forever -- a quick shout out to Lexi, Nikki and Shelly! Still sucks though to know that a piece of my heart will always be in NYC -- was, is and always will be -- and with my all-time favorite guy with awesome blue eyes!  Serious sigh!!!!!

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