Where did this month go. Seems like it was just starting. So much has happened -- a lot of work, a lot of fun, and a lot of new friends. Sounds like the perfect mix to me. In two days, it is time to go back to Maesai for another Visa run. Rules and regs have recently changed so just when you think you've got it under control, ba-a-m, another bump, so back to Maesai and an 8-hour bus ride for a few minutes worth of red tape. Have to physically leave Thailand, walk across a bridge to Myanmar to get my Visa validated, and then back across bridge to Thailand to get a new stamp. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to do this as the Foundation I am working with is still trying to get me on Thai Visa which will give me another full year. Otherwise, come October, I have to get out of dodge, and those contingency plans are not in my wheelhouse currently. So, here's to all the things that did go right this month and yea for all the wonderful new friends and good times. I am happy!
My new friend James Michael
Good friends Maykin, Jo and Fon
Jennie and Frances McGuire with Jo and Maykin
Jennie, Maykin and Frances
Party @ The Meeting Room
May and Jam
And then some, oh my!
Kalisha Thailand, performing her art
Kalisha and her finished piece
Now if you've got to work, not too shabby!
Lotus PSK Hotel
Staff of Lotus Hotel learning how to give "service excellent"
English class -- aerobics class, hm-m-m
a new teacher is born, my friend Kung
My friends in Lamphun, Som, Ning, Kung & Gay
Lamphun class
Ladies of Lamphun